The Knowledge Hub on Health, Socio-Economic Inequalities and Social Protection (HISP) is an expert facility providing strategic support to the EU in the implementation of its policies and programmes in global health, socio-economic inequalities and social protection.

The HISP works with colleagues in DG for International Partnerships (INTPA), for Enlargement and the Eastern Neighbourhood  (ENEST) and for Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf (MENA) and EU Delegations to deliver the following key results:


Metrics, monitoring and communication

Policy and guidance

Support to international and global dialogue and delivery

Support to country and regional dialogue and delivery

The HISP core team gathers complementary experiences and skills in various areas related to development cooperation and global health, socio-economic inequalities and social protection. The HISP Core Team is under the stewardship of Leo Devillé (Project Director) and Grégoire Lacoin (Team Leader), and it includes four public health experts - Allison Beattie, Matthias Reinicke, Allison Gamble Kelley, and Diana Isabel Sotomayor; one expert in social protection: Nadia Giske and one expert in socio-economic inequalities: Miriam Carrera. Alice Peschiutta (hera office) provides administrative support and assists the core team in coordinating HISP activities. Besides this in-house expertise, the HISP Core Team has access to a pool of over 1,000 experts that can be mobilised on a short-term basis as needed.

Supporting Development Cooperation in Health

The HISP supports DG INTPA, DG ENEST and MENA in the definition and implementation of EU policies and programmes related to global health, socio-economic inequalities and social protection through a number of services. These include the development of policy briefs and technical reports, appraisals of new trends in the field mentioned above and of key partnerships, contribution to knowledge management processes, and support to communication and visibility activities. In line with EU policies, EU Delegations typically receive support in the identification of SDG-focused country programmes, as well as more general guidance on engagement with selected partners. Most of the HISP work is for internal EU use and therefore confidential.

A Coalition of Partners

The HISP is a consortium led by hera and includes AEDES, Alter, Ginger International, EPRD and SPRI Global. The HISP consortium was awarded a four-year contract to support the European Commission's DGs INTPA, ENEST and MENA in January 2023. This follows two similar contracts  that were implemented by hera between 2014 and 2022.

The HISP reflects the commitment of hera and its consortium partners to the European values of equity and social justice, human rights-based development and the rule of law. Its implementation also reflects its partners' goals towards inclusive and sustainable development.