Marta Medina Sandino, M.D., M.P.H., Dr.P.H., Public Health, Health Systems, Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
Her main expertise covers planning, monitoring and evaluation of health services and health systems.
Since 1990 Marta Medina has been working as a consultant in Latin America and Africa. She has carried out consultancy assignments for multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as for NGOs. She has been involved in the review and evaluation of health and social development programmes at country as well as regional level. Furthermore, she has been involved in the formulation, planning and reviews of health sector support programmes.
She has carried out evaluations of sexual and reproductive health programmes with equity and rights perspective, as well as evaluation of HIV/AIDS programmes.
With more than 10 years of work with the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health at the National and district levels, including being Director General for Planning and Regional Director for Health, she has hands on experience in national health policy formulation and analysis, health systems planning and management, decentralisation and health programme monitoring and evaluation.
Other areas of interest include social determinants of health, right to health, community empowerment, social justice.
Marta Medina has been a member of the WHO Executive Committee and she has also served as the Nicaraguan Representative to the UNICEF Board.
Marta Medina joined hera in 2007.
Her Latin America experience is mainly focused on Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Belize, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. Her Africa experience covers Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania and Zambia. Other experiences include Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan.
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The theme for International Women’s Day, 8 March 2022 is, “gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. In our increasingly interconnected world, it seems appropriate to have an intersectional theme encompassing gender and sustainability. For our work in the health and development sector, we know how crucial it is to consider cross-cutting issues and to adopt intersectional standpoints.