Final assessment of the Third-Party Monitoring of the Lebanon Health Programme for Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Lebanese Population

hera partner Michèle Kosremelli Asmar is part of the PROMAN consortium implementing the Third-Party Monitoring of the Lebanon Health Programme for Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Lebanese Population funded by the European Union through the MADAD fund. The Monitoring Team recently submitted the final assessment report summarizing the team's continuous monitoring of ten European Union Emergency Trust Fund actions in Lebanon between September 3rd, 2019 and March 21st, 2022.

The goal of the fund was to continue to support access to quality, equitable and affordable health services (service provisions and drugs) for vulnerable populations while increasing the capacities of the health care system in progressing towards the achievement of Universal Health Care. It is a project that has had significant challenges along the way including the October 2019 uprising, followed shortly after by the explosion in Beirut on August 4th, and more recently the COVID pandemic.

In the last decade, Lebanon has received more international refugees per capita than any other country in the world. Most fled the Syrian crisis that began in 2011. Lebanon’s pre-crisis population has been estimated at 4.2 million. The number of registered Syrian refugees exceeds 1.5 million in the last five years. In addition, Lebanon hosts hundreds of thousands of non-registered refugees from Syria, of whom many stay in informal settlements. Furthermore, close to half a million Palestinian refugees reside in Lebanon, some 50% of whom still live in Lebanon’s 12 designated Palestinian refugee camps.

The final assessment from the team provides conclusions and recommendations about the funds' actions for the European Union and the Government of Lebanon (GoL). In the report, performance data is measured using Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) indicators and this is triangulated with findings from four surveys (DAC). The findings and conclusions were reported against the OECD evaluation criteria of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, and impact as well as along the cross-cutting issues of gender, disability & recipient community. A major limitation of the assessment was the fact that the team didn’t have access to expenditure data for efficiency assessments and that four actions were still ongoing by the time of the final assessment. Please contact us if you wish to learn more about this work.

Photo credit: Creative Commons UNHCR


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