Unveiling the gendered impact of climate change in the Sahel: A groundbreaking study led by young women researchers
Human rights, Health hera Human rights, Health hera

Unveiling the gendered impact of climate change in the Sahel: A groundbreaking study led by young women researchers

The Sahel region stands at the crossroads of climate change and gender inequality, where the escalating climate crisis disproportionately impacts adolescent girls and young women in their diversity. Recognizing the urgent need for a gendered analysis of these challenges, Plan International West and Central Africa Office commissioned hera to conduct a pioneering study on the gendered impact of climate change on adolescent girls’ rights in the Sahel. This research, conducted with an intersectional feminist approach over two phases, engaged 25 young women as co-researchers and 5 mentors, ensuring that the voices and lived experiences of adolescent girls and young women were at the heart of the study.

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Investing in Women: A cornerstone for global health progress
hera hera

Investing in Women: A cornerstone for global health progress

As we commemorate March 8th as International Women's Day, the UN theme "Invest in women: Accelerate progress" serves as a timely reminder of the indispensable role of gender equality in delivering prosperity and ensuring a healthy planet for future generations.

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