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Assessing the impact of the Norway-India Partnership Initiative on maternal, newborn and child health
Read our latest post on the evaluation of the Norway-India Partnership Initiative (NIPI). Learn about the efforts of NIPI in providing support and fostering innovation in maternal, neonatal, and child health in India.

A comprehensive review of Mercy Ships’ Surgical Health project in Liberia
In 2023 hera was selected to undertake a critical review of the "Partnering for Transformational Change: Strengthening Liberia’s Surgical Health System" project. This initiative, implemented by Mercy Ships and funded by Norad, was established against the backdrop of Liberia's challenging healthcare environment, particularly in its surgical health system.

Advancing Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination in Humanitarian Crisis
The World Health Organization (WHO), taking the lead in responding to this pressing issue, selected hera to conduct a study on the complexities of COVID-19 vaccine deployment and administration in humanitarian settings, with a specific focus on populations of concern (PoC). The study was initiated in March 2022 and concluded in March 2023, and encompassed case studies in multiple countries deeply affected by humanitarian crises: Cox's Bazar (Bangladesh), Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Iraq, South Sudan, and Syria.

Unpacking from the Health Systems Research Symposium (HSR 2022) – Bogotá, Colombia
At the end of October this year, hera’s Director Marieke Devillé, CEO Leen Jille and Project Officer Alice Peschiutta made the trip to attend HSR2022 in Bogota, Colombia. By all accounts, it was an engaging experience and a positive immersion in health systems research.

Norad Country Evaluation Brief: Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad) recently published a Country Evaluation Brief on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) prepared by a hera team of researchers.

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance’s (Gavi’s) Fragility, Emergencies and Refugees (FER) policy
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance’s (Gavi’s) Fragility, Emergencies and Refugees (FER) policy has been in effect since June 2017.

Evaluation of the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Operational Centre Brussels (OCB) Supply
MSF's Brussels supply chain aims to deliver critical medical supplies efficiently to complex areas. To assess its effectiveness, hera conducted an evaluation in 2021. This evaluation analyzed how well the supply chain met its goals, identified strengths and weaknesses, and provided recommendations for improvement, ultimately helping MSF optimize its life-saving operations.

hera to support Health Systems Global in developing a new 5-year strategic plan
A hera team, led by CEO Leen Jille and Associate Partner Giorgia Lattanzi, has been selected to support Health Systems Global (HSG) in developing its next 5-Year Strategic plan covering 2021-2026. The aim is to develop a strategic framework that continues to position HSG at “the forefront of health systems policy and research within the changing landscape of global health.”

Procurement for health in Namibia
UNICEF and USAID partnered with hera to improve healthcare procurement in Namibia. This collaboration aimed to deliver better value for money and improve health services at the community level. The project focused on identifying and addressing inefficiencies in the system. hera reviewed past analyses, facilitated dialogue between government ministries, and recommended versatile solutions.

Mozambique - MTR cooperation Flanders Mozambique - Flanders BuZa
hera's MTR evaluated implementation progress, identified challenges, and provided recommendations for improvement. The findings helped shape the subsequent CSP phase, emphasizing innovation and addressing key healthcare issues.

External Evaluation of the UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) 2013-2017
hera was selected to conduct the fourth external evaluation of the HRP covering the period from January 2013 to December 2017.

SADC Feasibility Study on Regional Manufacturing of Medicines and Health Commodities
Assess the feasibility of the local production of essential medicines especially those related to the three communicable diseases, namely HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria as well as the production of health commodities for the three diseases.