hera leads the HISP Consortium, Advancing Health and Social Justice
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hera leads the HISP Consortium, Advancing Health and Social Justice

We are delighted to announce that hera, in steadfast commitment to the values of equity, social justice, and human rights-based development, was recently awarded another four-year contract to lead the consortium for the Knowledge Hub on Health, Socio-Economic Inequalities, and Social Protection (HISP). This follows two similar successful Health Advisory Service contracts that hera implemented between 2014 and 2022.

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Advancing Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination in Humanitarian Crisis
Health hera Health hera

Advancing Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination in Humanitarian Crisis

The World Health Organization (WHO), taking the lead in responding to this pressing issue, selected hera to conduct a study on the complexities of COVID-19 vaccine deployment and administration in humanitarian settings, with a specific focus on populations of concern (PoC). The study was initiated in March 2022 and concluded in March 2023, and encompassed case studies in multiple countries deeply affected by humanitarian crises: Cox's Bazar (Bangladesh), Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Iraq, South Sudan, and Syria.

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Maternal, neonatal, adolescent, sexual and reproductive health in Rwanda
Health, Human rights hera Health, Human rights hera

Maternal, neonatal, adolescent, sexual and reproductive health in Rwanda

In 2022 hera was selected to support the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Barame project and conducted a knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) study to help identify gaps in community knowledge and utilization of health services related to maternal, neonatal, adolescent, sexual, and reproductive health, as well as providing recommendations for future development of communication and awareness strategies.

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Standing up for human rights in solidarity with the women of Iran
hera hera

Standing up for human rights in solidarity with the women of Iran

As a cooperative company founded on the premise of upholding and fighting for human rights, we condemn the use of physical violence against women and any policy or action contrary to the rights afforded to everyone under the UN Charter of Human Rights and the Vienna Declaration.

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International call for artists
hera hera

International call for artists

We would like to engage an artist, or team of artists, to design, draw, paint or photograph a set of images to be used on our new website and in our reports. This call is open to all artists and all types of approaches, both abstract and figurative and everything in between.

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New partners, associates, and milestones
hera hera

New partners, associates, and milestones

We are delighted to announce that three new partners and one associate have joined hera. Each one brings unique expertise and energy, as well as commitment to our mission to work for the right to health and development for all.

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Final assessment of the Third-Party Monitoring of the Lebanon Health Programme for Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Lebanese Population
Health, Human rights hera Health, Human rights hera

Final assessment of the Third-Party Monitoring of the Lebanon Health Programme for Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Lebanese Population

hera assessed an EU program offering healthcare to Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese citizens in Lebanon. This program aimed to improve access to affordable and quality healthcare services. The evaluation, conducted despite challenges like political unrest and the COVID-19 pandemic, found the program successful.

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World Health Day 2022
hera hera

World Health Day 2022

For World Health Day, April 7th, 2022, we reaffirm our collective commitments to the United Nations Global Compact and Universal Health Coverage and join the WHO in the call for our planet, our health.

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